
The Christian’s True Identity: What It Means to Be in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

With its identity politics, numerous gender identity options, “selfies,” and “you-do-you” mentality, society emphasizes individualism, but it seems like people are having a harder time than ever figuring out who they are. The problem is, they are looking for their identity in the wrong places. Are you seeking your identity in relationships, a career, family, race, gender expression, or other...

fulfillment, and satisfaction in this life can never come from us. They come from disowning ourselves and finding our all in Jesus Christ. It is not by being an unnamed rich man, but by being a person whose help is God alone. This is a radical message to hear today, but it is a freeing message. It is a life-giving message. For the Christian, our identity is not something we earn, but something we are given. It is not something we find inside of ourselves; it is something that is intrinsically outside
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